Welcome Team Members
Thanks for your interest in being part of our team. Our goal with The Platform Builders is two fold:
- to maximize the platform we’re given in order to add value to others, and
- to multiply the value of those who inspire us.
We are excited to offer you our Team Level Membership, which will provide you access to the resources, podcasts, mastermind insight discussions, bonus calls and other great material. The introductory price to join the Team level Membership is $297 a year, or $27 a month.
Sign up to join the Platform Builder’s Team Level today and get connected to the resources we highlight and share weekly add well as bonus material. Here’s the “add to cart” link to get you started today.
The Platform Builders Team Level ONE TIME price is $297 US dollars (introductory)*
The Platform Builders Team Level MONTHLY price is $27 US dollars (introductory) w/ 12 month commitment*
Note: payments are made through Pay Pall via Discover Next Step, LLC
If you are not able to participate in a one year membership, the other option is an individual One Month Mastermind Cost for materials and recording playbacks is $97
Thanks in advance for your willingness to join us.
Team Level members will also have access to a private Facebook Page to connect with other like minded members.
Let us know though if you have any questions.
Sincerely Your Facilitators,
Paul Gustavson,
Barry Smith,
Barbara Gustavson,
Dave Gambrill
* covers materials, + shipping and handing of the materials
Note: payments are made through Pay Pall via Discover Next Step, LLC